SAI Administrator – Becky Shields


President – Nicki Hinkle
I was 18 years old when I started attending Self-Advocates of Indiana meetings with my Aunt Darcus. I was able to witness how passionate my aunt was about self-advocacy and quickly realized that I wanted to become a member of SAI. After Darcus passed away, I wanted to continue her legacy and I got more involved. Through my experience coming to board meetings, I began to form friendships with many of the self-advocates. I consider some of the members of SAI amongst my dearest friends. It is my honor to now lead Self-AdvocatesĀ  of Indiana.


Vice President – Erin McGuire
Secretary – Courtney Clark
Treasurer – Melody Cooper
Sergeant-at-Arms – Erik Smith
Past President – Shawn Fulton

At-Large Members
Angie Smith
Erin McGuire
Megan Burger
Courtney Clark

North Region
Willie Rosendaul
Ryan Tingstrom
Nitaya Lewis
Nick Parker
Ashley Porter

West Central
Nicki Hinkle
Travis Breeding

East Region
Sherry Steep
Halley Coon

South Region
Tim Townsend
Seanna Russell
Misty Lawyer